

克里斯·费利克斯 is a music producer in New York City and in his family's home country of Haiti. In 2020, 他在南布朗克斯的一个课后项目中制作了一个音乐制作学生的音乐视频,并因此获得了纽约艾美奖. 他与学生合作,制作了一部关于公民权利的社会正义音乐视频, winning the category of "Teen (13-19) short form content (up to 10 min).“2022年和2023年, 克里斯参与了几首海地/拉丁/非洲流行风格的音乐,包括为百加得的广告配乐, and jingles for a Crypto trading platform called Ooki. 最近, 他制作了一首名为“Shut Up and Dance”的歌曲,这首歌被收录在格莱美奖得主迈克尔·布朗的专辑《KU体育官网APP》中." The song features vocals from afropop legend King Promise, 特立尼达艺术家凯斯, 以及主演《KU体育官网APP》的安东尼·拉莫斯. 《KU体育》于2023年7月21日上映. 第二天, 这首歌是在纽约一年一度的中央公园夏季音乐节举办的迈克尔·布朗的“BAYO”音乐会的数千名观众面前现场演奏的. Chris于2015年毕业于KU体育官网APP,获得商业音乐学士学位.

Ph.D. 《KU体育》,2022

卢卡斯·威尔逊博士.D.自去年从农大毕业以来,他的职业生涯取得了令人瞩目的里程碑. 最近, he was chosen as a Director on the Board of Directors at The ArQuives, which stands as the world's largest LGBTQ+ community archive, 位于多伦多, Ontario. 还有这个杰出的成就, Lucas has achieved further recognition for his scholarly work. 他已经获得了一份以他的论文为基础的专著的出书合同,题为 在国内与大屠杀:后记忆,国内空间,和第二代大屠杀叙事 (罗格斯大学出版社). 卢卡斯还获得了一份关于转化治疗的故事集编辑合同, titled Shame-Sex Attraction: Survivors’ Stories of Conversion Therapy (JKP Books). This is in addition to co-editing, with FAU’s Alan L. Berger, 一本关于大屠杀幸存者和纳粹罪犯的孙辈的文集, titled Emerging Trends in Third-Generation Holocaust Literature (列克星敦的书).                                    现任法官, Equity, and Transformation Postdoctoral Fellow at University of Calgary, Lucas's educational journey has been marked by exceptional accomplishments. 他完成了博士学位。.D. in Comparative Studies at FAU with concentrations in English and Women’s, Gender, 及性研究. 在此之前,卢卡斯获得了硕士学位.T.S. from Vanderbilt University, where he graduated first in his class; his M.A. 从麦克马斯特大学获得学士学位.A., 优等生来自利伯缇大学. 卢卡斯令人印象深刻的成就证明了他在研究领域和其他领域的有意义的影响.

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劳伦Sopourn completed her studies at FAU in the spring of 2022, 获得摄影专业美术学士学位. Recently, 她的动作和特写照片获得了职业橄榄球名人堂的认可.这个享有盛誉的比赛, exclusively open to professional photographers assigned to cover NFL games, showcases the remarkable talent and skill exhibited by participants.职业足球名人堂摄影大赛已经举办了55年, 所有获奖照片将被永久陈列在广州的名人堂, Ohio. Lauren is a freelance photographer based in South Florida, and she collaborates with various organizations such as the Miami Dolphins, 佛罗里达美洲豹, 迈阿密马林鱼, NCAA, and C-USA. In addition to sports coverage, she also engages in corporate event photography and conferences. 劳伦目前正在与佛罗里达黑豹队合作,为他们报道斯坦利杯决赛. 你可以关注Lauren,在 http://www.instagram.com/l_sopourn/


对瓦利于2016年在FAU完成了英语专业的本科学习,并于2017年在FAU获得了非营利组织管理硕士学位. Anika currently works as a Development and Program Assistant at HabCenter, 她在建立HabCenter和FAU就业中心之间的合作方面发挥了重要作用,为FAU的学生和校友提供了机会.

Josh Hollin

Josh Hollin graduated from FAU in 2019 with his bachelors in Commercial Music Composition. 自毕业, Josh has received the golden ticket on Season 4 of American Idol on ABC, 与人合著了《KU体育官网APP》畅销书, 与Born This Way基金会和Lady Gaga合作的“CHANNEL KINDNESS: Stories of KINDNESS and Community”, 他也是Born This Way Foundation的数字助理,在那里他执行数字内容,为建立一个慈善机构的使命服务, 勇敢的世界. Josh目前以PAJAMA Josh的名字发行音乐,可以在社交平台@ pajamjosh上关注他.

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加芙丘韦是一位视觉艺术家和音乐家,于2021年毕业于FAU. 最近,由于她在FAU的毕业设计“声音与色彩的哥斯达黎加”,她被任命为哥斯达黎加文化大使. This is a project that includes music research, paintings, original songs, and music videos. Also, 因为这个项目, 她获得了FAU OURI研究基金和FAU艺术与文学学院年度研究员奖.
As an artist, she is interested in creating projects that include both visual arts and music. 她之前的项目, 想象崇高, 灵魂与神秘主义, 神秘之路, 《新太阳之声, 和自由花园, are inspired by the search for the Divine and a personal quest for freedom. She has participated in several art fairs and exhibitions in Italy, 劳德代尔堡, Miami, Boston, 波多黎各, 和哥斯达黎加. Her current solo show at the FIU Graham Center Student Art Gallery is titled Inner Heavens. 在这个展览中, she expresses the deep feelings that emerge from her creative process, 十八幅画的收藏, and one original musical composition for solo cello. 之前的研究包括波多黎各泛美大学的人文学学士学位,重点是声音,以及波多黎各美术学院的雕塑艺术学士学位,辅修电影和时装设计. 她目前在佛罗里达国际大学攻读音乐表演硕士学位.

You can follow Gabriela and check her latest artwork on
Instagram, Facebook, Spotify, and Youtube.

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塔比瑟卡罗尔 was recently hired at TikTok as a Strategic Sales Specialist. 在她目前的职位上, she helps businesses and brands of all sizes unleash their creative side, 与他们的受众建立联系, 或者被发现. Tabitha和她的团队设计规模销售和服务交付计划,以确保客户拥有一流的工具和产品. She helps businesses achieve their marketing goals on TikTok no matter how big or small. Her previous job experience includes companies like IHeartMedia and Yelp. 她于2017年毕业于FAU,获得多媒体研究学士学位.


查尔斯·本德 is the 2022 Distinguished Alumnus for the Dorothy F. 施密特文学艺术学院. 本德是“希望之地”的创始人兼首席执行官,  一个以信仰为基础和国家许可的家庭式住宿儿童照顾机构,为受虐待和被忽视的儿童提供服务, 位于棕榈滩花园, Florida. 他在KU体育官网APP获得社会学学士学位,并在南KU体育学习.

查尔斯于1999年来到“希望之地”,此前他从事了多年的各种住房工作, social, and human services organizations throughout Palm Beach County. 他参加了许多社区委员会、特别工作组、特别倡议和董事会. 他也是其他几个当地领先组织的团队成员,包括棕榈滩县住房和社区发展, 棕榈滩的领养家庭, Inc., and the City of Delray Beach Community Development Division.

本德的大部分工作涉及低收入个人和家庭, 无家可归和滥用药物的人群, 以及有风险/依赖的儿童和青少年. Prior to spearheading the implementation of Place of Hope, 本德尔在多年的愿景和发展过程中是主要的志愿者,同时仍然是基督团契(创始教会)的“愿景”。.

“我在KU体育官网APP所受的教育和所度过的时光帮助我成为一个更好的倾听者,帮助我更清楚地看到社会上许多人的深层需求. 上帝和我的信仰推动我走向我的事业,而FAU帮助我磨练了我的技能. 我真的很感谢我在大学的时光.”


阿里尔Erillo is an Office Management Specialist at the State Department in Washington, D.C. 在她的位置上, 她领导了改善东亚和太平洋事务局公共外交办公室内部日常职能的工作. 她还担任办公室主任的特别助理和副主任,负责内部和外部的各种项目和任务

“FAU政治学课程为我提供了全方位的教育,使我为这个新角色做好了充分的准备. 因为这个项目鼓励公开讨论, I learned a lot from not only my professors but my classmates as well. 我在FAU的时候, I was lucky enough to land an internship with the State Department, 谢天谢地, the program allowed me to receive class credit for the internship. This opportunity gave me a head start in advancing my career. I will always be grateful for the FAU 政治科学 Master’s program because it inspired me to enter the field of foreign policy."


Quentin (Q) Wilson是政治学专业的应届毕业生,于2020年8月创立了Q Juice. &Q Juice旨在为社区提供价格实惠的优质冷榨果汁. Q的热情源于在黑人和棕色人种社区创造健康和社会意识的愿望.

Doug Bolly
Doug Bolly

When Doug Bolly came to FAU he had never painted in his life. Years later he is now a fine artist for the Walt Disney Company.🎨


Teaching my language and culture have always been a purpose of mine.  二十多年前我搬到佛罗里达后,就开始教有天赋的学生西班牙语.  从那时起, 我一直努力跟上发展第二语言习得的最新技术,并跟上我们的数字母语学生. 我对第二语言学习的热情一直激励着我不断进步,不断完善自己, so pursuing an an advanced degree was the right decision to make. In 2012, I graduated  with a Master Degree in Teaching Spanish from FAU. 我觉得我在那里的经历和我学到的知识使我成为今天的专业人士.  我很荣幸被选中在当地和全国的会议上与其他教育工作者分享我的想法和专业知识. 即将到来的七月, 我将在亚特兰大的AATSP会议上发表我的“让不同的老师和学生参与到一个不同的世界”研讨会. 在我的职业生涯中,一个非常重要的成就是被美国西班牙语和葡萄牙语教师协会选为2021年的年度教师.  I am grateful and elated to be recognized by such a prestigious organization. 


Enseñar mi idioma通过比较mi culture而不是sido siempre, propósito que tenido. Empecé a enseñar español a alumnos talentosos al mudarme a la Florida hace más de veinte años. Desde强调,在与数字技术的发展有关的情况下,在与数字技术的发展有关的情况下,在与数字技术的发展有关的情况下,在与数字技术的发展有关的情况下,在与数字技术的发展有关的情况下,在与数字技术的发展有关的情况下,在与数字技术的发展有关的情况下,在与数字技术的发展有关的情况下,在与数字技术的发展有关的情况下,在与数字技术的发展有关的情况下,在与数字技术的发展有关的情况下. Mi pasión for la adquisición de un segundo idioma me motiva是由专业的技术人员创建的,由当地的技术人员创建,用于连续的技术工作室. En el 2012, me gradué de FAU con un grado académico de Maestría en la enseñanza de español. Siento que las experias que tuve en FAU y el conciciiento adquirido allí me than formado en la professional que soy hoy. 在不同的会议上,在新的地方或国家会议上,他将以不同的想法和经验,控制教育工作者的观点和经验为荣誉. 在亚特兰大举行的AATSP会议上,julio de este año estar出席了“让多样化的教师和学生参与多样化的世界”. 1 .极其重要的是,我们有机会与葡萄牙 海地 海地 海地海地海地海地海地海地海地海地海地海地海地. 我的毕业典礼是由honada de serconocida porto presgiosa organización举办的. 


杰西卡·伯恩斯, MAT西班牙语教育家, jburns@weissschool.org/Linkedin

Lowanda R. Warren
Lawonda R. Warren

Lawonda R. Warren is the Assistant City Attorney/Police Legal Advisor for the City of Delray Beach, FL. 在担任现职之前, 她是棕榈滩县州检察官办公室和佛罗里达州全州检察官办公室的检察官. 她获得了Nova Southeastern University的法学博士学位和KU体育官网APP的学士学位. She is an active member of the Palm Beach County Bar Association, where she serves on the Judicial CampaignCommission, 多元化和包容性委员会, and served as Co-Chair for the 2018 Bench-Bar Conference. 她也是F. 老马尔科姆·坎宁安. Bar Association, where she served as the William M. Holland Scholarship Luncheon Co-Chair in 2016 and 2018; and served as the Inaugural Young Lawyers’ Section Chairperson. Ms. Warren is a past president of the Gamma Gamma Sigma, West Palm Beach Alumnae Chapter of  Sigma Gamma Rho姐妹会. 也是佛罗里达州妇女基金会法官项目的前任联合主席. 她被评为2018年F. 老马尔科姆·坎宁安. 律师协会年度最佳会员, a 2018 ATHENA Young Professional 领导 Award Finalist, and one of Legacy Magazine’s Top “40 Under 40 Black Leaders of Today and Tomorrow” in 2016. Ms. 沃伦经常为青少年团体提供指导,并担任演讲嘉宾,之前曾指导过Inlet Grove高中模拟审判队. 另外, she previously served as a Big Sister with Big Brothers Big Sisters of Palm Beach County, Inc.


玛丽鲁兹·库克(Mariluz做饭)是Big Sky网络广播和数字媒体总监. Mariluz是OWL TV的体育记者,并于2019年春季获得传播学学士学位. Cook was most named the 2019 Owl Reporter of the Year, 带来体育报道的经验, 专题内容访谈, profiles, 比赛日促销活动


查尔斯·本德, 社会学学士1993, 是“希望之地”的首席执行官, 一个基于信仰和国家许可的家庭式住宿儿童照顾机构, 位于棕榈滩花园, Florida. 20年来,希望之家一直为受虐待和被忽视的儿童提供庇护. 本德也是其他几个当地领先组织的团队成员,包括:棕榈滩县住房和社区发展, 棕榈滩的领养家庭, Inc., and the City of Delray Beach Community Development Division. 查尔斯的大部分工作涉及低收入个人和家庭, 无家可归和滥用药物的人群, 以及有风险/依赖的儿童和青少年. 在2019年,他是2019年博卡拉顿扶轮社OPAL奖的获得者. Watch Charles' interview with the FAU social team: http://bit.ly / 2 oqhulk


项目主研人阿巴特勒, MA, History, 2006, won the 2019 National History Teacher of the Year Award. She is currently a social studies teacher at McKinley Technology High School in Washington, D.C. 吉尔德·莱曼美国历史研究所之所以选择莱曼,是因为她“在结合历史方面有着独特的天赋”, 在她的教学中涉及公民和公民行动主义.她将于10月在纽约和约翰·艾夫隆举行的颁奖典礼上获奖, CNN高级政治分析家和主播, 将为她颁奖吗. 该奖项还附有1万美元的奖金. Also, many winners become future master teachers for the Institute.  巴特勒还获得了2019年美国革命女儿美国历史杰出教师奖, 是2019年的授予接受者, and was selected as the 2010 Miramar High School Teacher of the Year.


Noah于2019年毕业于FAU,主修政治学,辅修工商管理. 诺亚目前在爱荷华州为乔·拜登总统竞选工作,担任现场组织者. 在FAU期间, 诺亚参与了学生会,在那里他担任过多种职务, 包括众议院议长. 在为拜登竞选团队工作之前, Noah interned with FAU Athletics as a Marketing Intern and the U.S. 作为国会实习生在众议院任职.

政治科学学士 and 跨学科研究 2007

参议员詹妮尔·萨劳, 政治科学学士 and 跨学科研究 2007, was named the 2019 Distinguished Alumni for the College. Sarauw was re-elected to the 33rd Legislature of the Virgin Islands on November 6, 2018. She has penned into legislation bills that support youth development, 鼓励劳动力发展, 推动领土向前发展. Her signature legislation, the State Apprenticeship bill, became law during the 32nd Legislature. The bill amends the VI Code related to apprenticeship standards, 授权和要求劳工部颁布法规,以成为公认的国家学徒机构, providing more job opportunities for the youth of the Virgin Islands. 在她的任期内, 参议员萨劳还提出并表明了她对有争议的环境法案的立场, 经济发展, education, probate, expungement, and was the primary sponsor of the Division of Festival, now law.

Senator Sarauw has been honored by Under 35 Emerging Leaders, NBC News Out, and was recently keynote speaker at the 2018 Victory Fund LGBTQ Conference. 她被任命为金钥匙荣誉协会的荣誉会员,并获得了许多其他公民奖项.


South Florida native 泰勒泰森 is the recently crowned Miss Florida 2018. 她以优异成绩毕业于KU体育官网APP(KU体育官网APP),获得政治学学位. With a strong dedication to academics beginning in grade school, 泰勒代表佛罗里达州获得了尼古拉斯·格林天才学生奖, 一份在劳雷尔斯普林斯天才学校读高中的奖学金, and remained a member of the National Honors Society. 在KU体育官网APP, 她在每学期的校长和院长名单上都有一席之地,因为她保持了4分.0 GPA. 泰勒因优异的学习成绩被选入全国荣誉兄弟会Phi Kappa Phi和国际法律预科兄弟会Phi Alpha Delta. She also served as Executive Editor of one of the nation’s eleven Undergraduate Law Journals, receiving recognition from FAU’s Provost for her article, “The Precarious Relationship of Law and Society” being published in the scholarly journal. With a passion for politics and academic collaboration, 泰勒代表FAU作为外交代表团成员参加了在纽约和华盛顿特区举行的全国模拟联合国比赛.C. She will be attending Villanova Law School in the Fall. 更多关于泰勒的信息请点击这里:  http://www.taylormarietyson.com/about.html


Patrick   Martin  is in his second career after serving in the Army’s 82nd  Airborne. He was awarded the Purple Heart after sustaining injuries in his last deployment to Afghanistan.  Patrick  在他的部署中遇到许多记者后,他决定从事新闻事业, 是什么让他在FAU学习的.

He was encouraged to write for the University Press, and quickly rose through the ranks to become news editor. UP教会了他如何在新闻编辑室工作, 并了解将故事从概念到发表的工作流程. 这也为他提供了一个作品集,他可以向当地新闻媒体展示.

Patrick  2016年5月毕业于FAU. 随后,他以2017年校长学者的身份进入哥伦比亚大学新闻学院, where he received his Masters of Science in Journalism. 研究生毕业后,  Patrick  went on to work at Bloomberg News covering the energy market. 

目前,  Patrick  works for NBC Nightly News with Lester Holt producing investigative, 企业和突发新闻故事.

“If you’re interested in the industry, you owe it to yourself to get involved in student media. 没有什么能比得上与同行一起工作来制作你可以引以为傲的内容.”


所罗门·帕拉西奥斯最近被任命为  Forbes’  2019 edition of the “Top 30 Under 30 People in the Music Industry.”  In his work as co-manager at Universal Music Latin Entertainment/Global Talent Services, 帕拉西奥斯指导了一些业内顶尖的拉丁人才的职业生涯, 也就是J·巴尔文, the first Latin artist to achieve 1 billion streaming spins on Apple Music. The singer also teamed up with “30 Under 30” alumna Cardi B on the summer smash, “I Like It.”  Salomon于2013年获得FAU商业音乐文学学士学位,并在Nova Southeastern University获得法律学位. While at FAU, Palacios worked at Sony and he was the president of FAU’s Hoot Wisdom Recordings. “FAU’s commercial music program was instrumental in getting my start in the music industry,帕拉西奥斯说. “The program is unique in that it offers hands-on experience that you can’t get anywhere else. It’s the kind of experience that gets you noticed in the industry.“FAU的Hoot/Wisdom唱片公司是世界上最具生产力的全方位服务大学附属唱片公司之一. 这个厂牌制作并录制专辑, 在博卡拉顿校区最先进的工作室里播放加长剧和单曲. 厂牌的使命是录制和制作新的音乐或录制音乐. Through FAU’s program, students are trained in all aspects of the music production process. “所罗门充分利用了我们的商业音乐节目所能提供的一切,迈克尔·扎格说, 商业音乐节目和Hoot Wisdom Recordings的创始人和总监, 多萝西·F. 施密特表演艺术杰出学者. “He is an example of what you can achieve through hard work and dedication.”


Taylor graduated from FAU in 2018 with BA in Multimedia Journalism and a minor in Film and Video. 毕业后, 泰勒在WTVA第九频道开始了她作为多媒体记者的工作, 这是NBC和FOX在图珀洛的分支机构, 密西西比州. 在她目前的职位上, 泰勒主持采访, 推销故事创意, 现场报道, 她自己编写和编辑故事, 还有更多. 在为WTVA工作之前, 泰勒有过多次实习经历, which helped to prepare her for a broadcasting job after graduation. 她的实习项目包括美国媒体工作室, NBC 6台迈阿密报道, FAU体育频道和CBS 12频道在西棕榈滩报道. Taylor was also active in Owl TV during her time at FAU. 她对在读学生的建议是:“我想鼓励每个人都要对每一个机会持开放态度,即使它不是你想要的. 这一切都是有目的的, and it will shape you and make you better for your next step in life.”

Luc Beauliere

Luc graduated from FAU in 2010 with a BA in Music Education. In 2013, Luc returned to his hometown of Saint-Marc, Haiti to give back to his community.  看到机会的缺乏和人们生活的贫困程度, Luc was inspired to start the Artibonite Gospel Tabernacle (AGT). His mission was to provide a place for education (university), 医疗保健(医院), and meet people's spiritual needs (worship center). On April 5, 2017 that vision came true when he purchased 31.9英亩来建造这个中心. The new center will have a University, Hospital, a place of worship, and a conservatory of music. If you would like to learn more about AGT or donate to the project, please visit agtcenter.org. 除了中心, Luc has been involved in the music community in both South Florida and Haiti. He started the Beauliere Academy of Music in 2005 in West Palm Beach, and opened a second location in Saint-Marc in 2013. Luc hopes to continue to help improve the Saint-Marc community through music, 教人们如何阅读, 帮助他们接受教育, and more.

Todd S. Pugh
Todd S. Pugh

The FAU Alumni Association chose Todd Pugh as the 2018 Distinguished Alum for the Dorothy F. 施密特文学艺术学院. 皮尤目前是伊利诺伊州芝加哥布林和皮尤律师事务所的合伙人. 该律师事务所成功地在联邦和州法院处理了一些最复杂的刑事和民事案件,赢得了芝加哥首屈一指的审判事务所之一的声誉. 从FAU毕业后, 皮尤就读于德保罗大学法学院,在那里他被选为“德保罗法律评论”的成员,并以优异的成绩毕业. “Leading Lawyers” named Pugh one of the best criminal defense lawyers in Illinois in 2007, 2012年度“十佳”辩护律师之一. In 2013, Pugh joined the faculty at DePaul University College of Law as adjunct professor. 最近, Pugh于2016年当选为全国刑事辩护律师协会董事会成员. “当我在棕榈滩县公设辩护人办公室实习时,我的职业道路就在FAU开始了. 我接受的指导使我能够通过我们国家服务不足和被剥夺权利的社区的眼睛来看待刑事司法系统. 我很幸运有这样的经历,并试图将这些早期的同情经验应用到我作为一名执业刑事辩护律师的辩护中.”


A Florida native from Parkland, Racquel graduated from the Dorothy F. 施密特文学艺术学院 with a major in Multimedia Journalism and a minor in Theatre. You can now find Racquel on the jumbo-tron or on the ice during intermissions at the BB&T Center in Sunrise, Florida as the In-Arena Host for the 佛罗里达美洲豹. 在加入Panther组织之前,Racquel在Y100和CW的南佛罗里达分支站实习. 毕业后, 去年11月,她还受邀在佛罗里达新闻协会第七区(FSPA)研讨会上发表主旨演讲. “I owe a lot of my knowledge and confidence in my field to my FAU journalism professors. They are the reason that I am achieving all that I am today. The Arts & 信学院真的让我为现实世界做好了准备.”


While at FAU Corey participated in study abroad programs in Spain and Ecuador. He then earned a Masters in Spanish at FAU before joining the Peace Corps, 是谁派他去玻利维亚的. Corey learned one of the native languages of Bolivia, Quechua, while working on projects in the mountains of the Andean country. 后来他加入了美国国际开发署,驻扎在秘鲁. From there his career has taken him literally around the world, and his job has required him to continue to learn languages. His most recent posts required learning Russian and French. He is currently the Program Director for USAID in Cote d’Ivoire, where he is responsible for US development programs in health, 包容性经济增长, democracy and good governance in various countries of Africa. Corey was nominated as the 2017 Outstanding Young Owl for the 文学艺术学院.


伊丽莎白最近因在艺术车库上演的《重生》中的角色获得了卡伯内尔奖提名. 伊丽莎白曾在洛杉矶担任戏剧和电影演员和导演, 新奥尔良, Dallas, Austin, Atlanta, 和新墨西哥州, 但现在她把南佛罗里达作为她的艺术之家. She recently appeared at FAU’s resident professional company, 剧场实验室, 史蒂文·迪茨的《这个随机的世界.” She has also appeared in Outre Theatre’s “The Normal Heart,艺术车库的“How and The Why”, as Jack in Thinking Cap Theatre’s “The Importance of Being Earnest,” in City Theatre’s Island “Shorts” and “Standing on Ceremony,” and in several radio plays with Arts Radio Network. 作为一名自豪的FAU校友, 她在FAU的最后一个角色是“八月:奥塞奇县”中的芭芭拉,该作品被评为2014年南佛罗里达州十大最佳作品之一, 伊丽莎白还在FAU担任表演和导演的兼职教授. 伊丽莎白是一位极具天赋的完美专业人士,她很快成为南佛罗里达州最受尊敬的艺术家之一.

M.F.A. 剧院,90

Melissa was chosen as the FAU 2016 Alum for the 文学艺术学院. 几部百老汇音乐剧的资深演员, 梅丽莎·哈特的百老汇作品包括《老实人》,“猩红花。,“蒂凡尼的早餐。,“苹果树。,凭借《KU体育官网APP》,她获得了托尼奖提名, and “Cabaret” in which she played Sally Bowles on Broadway and in the first national company. 非百老汇作品包括《KU体育》,“电台女郎。,“猫爪。,“嘀嗒嘀嗒。,” “Cyrano,“第三人称”,,以及屡获殊荣的“舰队周”.哈特获得了费城的费城奖, 芝加哥约瑟夫·杰斐逊奖, 以及三项南佛罗里达卡博内尔奖. “I came to FAU as a successful, but only half-formed actor. 我留下了一个成熟的戏剧学生. 谢谢你,乔·康威. Robert Dietz, Jean-Louis Baldet, and Zoe Caldwell, among others. 我永远感激你.”

B.F.A. 戏剧表演 & B.A. 西班牙,15

Pablo was nominated and selected by the Dean of FAU’s Dorothy F. 施密特文学艺术学院 to become a member of the Parliament of OWLs (Older, Wiser, Leaders). The Parliament of OWLs is an honorary leadership society of the FAU Alumni Association. Each year, 每个FAU学院即将毕业或即将毕业的毕业生都会被邀请加入该协会,并被授予纪念别针, 穴鸮羽毛的复制品. 这个社团是为那些在大学期间表现出领导才能和才能的少数学生设立的. 2015年,只有10名学生成为会员. Carreño 2015年毕业,成绩为B.F.A. 戏剧表演学士学位及学士学位.A. 西班牙语(双学位). Prior to beginning his literary and theatrical studies here at FAU, Francisco在他的祖国秘鲁完成了机械工程学士学位,并在Loesche America担任项目工程师和项目经理, Inc. He came to FAU to pursue his true callings (Spanish Literature and Theatre). 在FAU的本科学习期间, Francisco demonstrated truly exemplary leadership in many realms. He served as President of FAU’s Sigma Delta Pi Spanish Honor Society, 欧米克隆章,在这个背景下, 代表FAU和分会在当地新闻广播中报道FAU分会获得的国家奖项. (请看CBS12频道的新闻专题:- http://youtu.be/E6pk4e5vpTE ). 他完成了关于“Sismología en la Fiesta del Chivo de Mario Vargas略萨:Heteroglosia en la narrativa del trauma”的高水平荣誉研究,并在本科生研究研讨会上以双语形式正式与FAU社区分享, 并于2015年4月在西班牙荣誉协会的成立典礼上用西班牙语致辞. 他是学习和学生成功中心(CLASS)的西班牙语访问导师(西班牙语本科课程的所有级别)。. 在他戏剧研究的背景下, 他是许多作品的重要成员, in addition to producing and acting in El suplicio del placer, 弗朗西斯科对他所选择的两个学科的深入研究使西班牙语表演成为可能. 弗朗西斯科在多个部门和环境中展示了模范服务, 以丰富整个FAU体.


霍莉最近被“商业内幕”评为“当今科学界15位最令人惊叹的女性”之一.人类学考古学家莫耶斯探索洞穴,检查人工制品,以了解古人的仪式. 通过研究古玛雅人留下的文物, Moyes hopes to both preserve Mayan culture and discover stories of these ancient people. Moyes has spent the past 20 years exploring more than 100 caves in Belize, finding everything from tools to sacrificial remains to everyday pottery, to uncover how the Mayans' ideologies were created and maintained. 发现古人决策背后的原因可以让我们理解他们决策的含义. 莫耶斯关注的一个特别的仪式是为什么玛雅人在洞穴深处进行人类祭祀. 虽然这是一个发展中的理论, 莫耶斯认为玛雅人非常关心雨水(他们的土地在一年中有好几个月是干旱的),并为他们的神留下越来越多的祭品, Chac, 解除一场毁灭性的干旱. Moyes is an assistant professor at the University of California at Merced. http://www.businessinsider.com/coolest -女性-科学- 2015 - 7

Ward, Pat
Pat Ward

帕特在小学时就在TOPS钢琴营开始了他的FAU音乐经历, and went on to become a commercial music technology major. During his final year at FAU and during the summer after graduation, he toured Europe and much of the United States playing bass for a professional blues band. For the past year he has been playing electric and upright bass in musical theatre shows, 现场音响设计, 工程专辑和单曲, and working at FAU as an AV technician for the Lifelong Learning Society, 他还受雇为巴里和弗洛伦斯·弗里德伯格礼堂设计和实施声学处理和其他音频改进. 今年秋天,他将以研究生助理的身份回到学术界,在佐治亚南方大学攻读音乐技术硕士学位. “我喜欢TOPS的氛围,而且我遇到了很多同龄的人在学习同样的乐器. Being able to interact with other kids was absolutely crucial to my musical development.”


马洛被评为2015年艺术与文学学院杰出校友. With 11 nominations and one American Grammy already on his shelf, 马洛Rosado is a driving force in the tropical music industry. He has more than two decades of experience as a pianist, 作曲家兼制作人, 和一个强大的组合,包括与顶级拉丁录音艺术家,包括瑞奇·马丁的工作, 已故的Tejana歌手赛琳娜, 铁托朋地, 已故的萨尔萨传奇人物西莉亚·克鲁兹, 还有更多. After teaching elementary school in Miami for 10 years, Rosado decided to take a leave of absence to open what has become a successful recording studio, 引进顶尖的国际唱片艺术家. 他的音乐编曲和导演技巧不断受到同行艺术家的青睐. It is not uncommon to see Rosado’s name on album liner notes as a pianist, producer, 词曲作者或音乐总监. Rosado took center stage in 2009 when he released his first album “Salsalsa” under Fania Records. In 2012, 他的第二张专辑《KU体育》获得了2012年格莱美最佳热带拉丁专辑奖,这不仅让他自己感到惊讶,也让整个行业感到惊讶, 击败了巨大的巴恰塔艺术家罗密欧·桑托斯. 2014年7月,Rosado发行了他的第三张专辑“Salsanimal”,这是一部野兽般的作品. Rosado在今年的拉丁词曲作者名人堂获得了Premio La Musa Elena Casals奖,目前正在制作他的第四张专辑, 该片将于2015年6月上映. 他很自豪地说,FAU帮助他为这个神奇的音乐世界做好了准备.

B.A. 《KU体育官网APP》,2011年

Jenny has been hired by the United Nations Relief Works Agency. 她将在约旦的安曼工作. 贝兹是FAU外交项目的成员, 参加在纽约举行的2010年全国模拟联合国(NMUN)大会, and the 2010 European Model United Nations event in The Netherlands. 她还加入了FAU美国服务队项目. 从FAU毕业后, Baez pursued her graduate degree at the Institut d'Etudes Politiques de Paris (Sciences Po), 欧洲著名的社会科学学院. Her two-year Master's degree was focused on international security, 尤其是以中东为中心. 作为她研究的一部分, 贝兹在安曼完成了为期六个月的实习, Jordan with the United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA). 完成她的M之后.A., Baez was hired by the UN to continue her work with refugee relief.

B.A. Music ’08

将有他的第一音乐委员会的作品题为“如果你看到什么, 《KU体育官网APP》由纽约青年交响乐团在卡内基音乐厅的威尔独奏厅演出. 佩奇在音乐系主修商业音乐,后来进入曼尼斯音乐学院学习. More information on Petuch’s accomplishments can be found here http://www.nyyouthsymphony.org/first-music/brian-petuch

B.A. 通讯,95

Rory received the FAU 2014 Distinguished Alumni Award. 罗里因对国家的贡献而被选中, 为退伍军人服务, 作为一名优秀的毕业生为FAU服务. 罗里在南佛罗里达州长大,高中毕业后,他是美国海军陆战队的一名成员.S. 在海豹突击队待了八年. 然后,他回到南佛罗里达,在传播和多媒体研究学院攻读学位. 毕业后, 罗里成为了一名财务顾问,他30年的职业生涯包括担任摩根大通副总裁和爱德华琼斯投资公司的财务顾问. 他还创造了, 现在是, the Tampa Bay Frogman Swim for the Navy SEAL Foundation, which aids active duty Naval Special Warfare personnel and their families. 这次活动已经筹集了700多美元,在四年的时间里,她被用作全国范围内一系列游泳活动/海豹突击队基金会筹款活动的样板.


雅典的朱迪思, GA, 被评为乔治亚大学2013年东南会议教师成就奖获得者. 她目前是大学的富兰克林英语和创意写作教授. Ortiz Cofer是两次普利策奖提名者,并获得了FAU多萝西F. 施密特文学艺术学院' Distinguished Alumna Award in 2012. Ortíz科弗分别于2010年和1994年入选乔治亚州作家名人堂, 她成为了第一个赢得O奖的西班牙人. 亨利奖:《KU体育》. In 1996, Ortíz科弗和插画家苏珊·格瓦拉成为西班牙儿童文学普拉·贝尔普雷奖的第一批获奖者.