Amp /教员/博士后福利汇总

This information is designed to be a brief highlight of the benefits offered for employment with KU体育官网APP and is subject to change. 有关这些福利项目的更多信息或详细信息, 请与人力资源办公室联系, 福利及退休组,电话:561-297-3071, 561-297-2061, or 561-297-0242.


Employees enjoy eight paid holidays each calendar year and AMP staff will receive one personal holiday each fiscal year. (Not-applicable for faculty and Post Docs) Additional paid leave during Winter Break is at the discretion of the President.


受聘超过九(9)个月的全职员工应累计6.77 hours per bi-weekly pay period regardless of years of service with proportionate accrual for less than full-time. 年假应在使用前累计. 截至12月31日,累计最多可达352小时. 在一个日历年度内,雇员的累积收入可能超过年终最高限额, however accrued leave over 352 hours as of December 31 shall be converted to sick leave. 在分离, 员工应支付最多352小时的未使用年假, 除非个别单位的保单另有规定, 院系或学院. An academic year (39 weeks) employee and an employee appointed for less than nine (9) months shall not accrue annual leave.

* 博士后(7月28日以后录用, 2018):每日历年十(10)天年假, 按薪期计算, 如果不使用的话, 将被没收. 除了, there will be no payout of any unused annual leave at the end of the employment appointment.


员工每两周一次的工资期有四小时的工作时间. (非全职雇员按比例应计.)没有最高应计额. Employees who separate from employment after 10 years of creditable KU体育官网APP service, 累计未休病假的四分之一是否可获发, 最长可达480小时

* 博士后(7月28日以后录用, 2018):每日历年5天病假, 按薪期计算, 如果不使用的话, 将被没收. 除了, there will be no payout of any unused sick leave at the end of the employment appointment. 所有符合资格要求的联邦或州休假计划.


Employees are eligible to enroll in the 病假池 after 1 year of continuous employment and must have at least 64 hours of accrued sick leave.  When eligibility is met, eligible employees will receive an invitation to enroll in the Pool.  Pool members who experience catastrophic illnesses or off-the-job injuries are eligible to draw sick leave pool hours after their own leave is exhausted.


团体保险计划提供了大量的雇主供款.  雇员供款在税前扣除工资.  Health insurance and pharmacy coverage is provided by the State of Florida Group Health Insurance Program.  Family or single coverage is available from a Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) or a choice of Health Maintenance Organizations (HMO). Currently full time employees pay $50/month for single coverage or $180/month for family.  FAU支付684美元.42美元和1473美元.18日分别.


2.5万美元的团体定期寿险、意外死亡和肢体残障保险. 的 university pays 100% of the cost of the coverage for full-time employees and contributes toward coverage for part-time employees on a pro-rated basis according to their percentage of employment.

  • 其他保险

    • 补充保险包括团体定期基本人寿保险(25美元),000保单免费), 可选的生活, 愿景, 法律, 短期或长期残疾, 牙科, 癌症保险, 长期护理, 医院保险和意外保险. 保费根据选择的保险范围而有所不同.


Lets you pay for eligible medical and/or eligible dependent day-care expenses on a pre-tax basis. 的 annual election amount you choose to set aside is automatically deducted from your gross salary and is deducted for the remaining pay periods for the calendar year. 每年最高供款为医疗报销2 750美元. 每年最高供款额为5元,如果你是单身的话,你可以支付5万英镑的托儿费, 或者结婚并共同申报所得税, or $2,如果你已婚,则为550美元. 联邦政府对报销账户进行了限制. 一个限制, 被称为“使用它或失去它”,要求超过最大结转限额的金额, $550, 在提交所有计划年度申索款项后,该申索款项将被没收. 雇员必须在受雇后60天内注册, during open enrollment period or within 31 days of a change in family/employment status.


  FAU offers eligible employees tuition assistance for up to 6 credit hours per semester after 6 months full time employment.


  A free, confidential service designed to assist employees with personal, family or workplace issues.


 Employees are eligible to join any of 3 local federal credit unions and enjoy all associated benefits.


Enjoy the convenience and peace of mind of electronically deposited payroll funds into an account of your choice.  发薪日是每隔一个星期五.


Faculty, Postdoctoral and AMP employees may choose between the following retirement plans.

  • 选择性退休计划(ORP)

    • 适用于所有教职员工和AMP员工. 每个支付周期, the University contributes a percentage based on an employee's gross earnings to a state approved investment provider. 雇员须按其总收入的3%强制性供款. Employees can elect to contribute an additional percentage of earnings on a voluntary basis subject to IRS regulations.


FRS提供两种退休选择  FRS退休金计划    FRS投资计划.

  • FRS退休金计划
    •  FRS退休金计划  是固定收益计划吗. Contributions are made to the Pension Plan by the University based on the employee's FRS membership class. 雇员必须缴纳3%的供款. 的 Pension Plan requires 8 years of creditable service to vest and receive a retirement benefit. This system is combined with 社会 Security to assist you by providing an income for your later years or for an unforeseen disability. 一旦赋予, you may retire at age 65 and receive full benefits or at an earlier age with reduced benefits. 工作满33年后,你可以在任何年龄退休,福利不会减少. 的 monthly benefit payment you will receive when you retire depends on your years of creditable service 和 average income of the eight highest years (fiscal year) during your covered employment.
  • FRS投资计划
    •  FRS投资计划  是固定缴款计划吗. 的 University contributions are based on your salary and your FRS membership class (Regular Class, 特殊险别, 等.雇员必须交3%的供款. 投资计划需要1年的信用服务才能授予(1).e. 在您的投资计划帐户中拥有资产.)投资计划将供款直接存入个人会员账户, and you allocate your contributions and account balance among various investment funds. KU体育投资计划的退休福利是基于KU体育帐户的价值. 与退休金计划不同,退休时没有保证的福利水平.

*Any employment with a 佛罗里达退休制度(FRS) participating employer may impact their retirement benefits including a members’ eligibility for a refund of contributions.


的 university offers a tax sheltered annuity program which allows employees the opportunity to save an amount from each salary warrant and postpone payment of taxes on that amount until a later date. VALIC, TIAA-CREF, Jefferson National, Voya, MetLife的宣传册可供选择. 公司代表的姓名可向人力资源部索取.


由佛罗里达州提供的自愿补充退休(457)计划. 你可以从年薪中拿出一部分免交联邦税, 而您的资金将被转到您选择的投资提供商. 您的投资提供商将您的资金引导到您所选择的投资工具, KU体育账户在哪里增长是免税的.